The Sacred Story of Sri Sathya Sai

Unique Experiences of Devotees with the Sacred Katha

Many people, Sai devotees and non-devotees alike, have unique and often miraculous experiences with the Sri Sathya Sai Sathya Narayana Katha.
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Baba assumed two forms to save His devotee!
May 2022
I am a very ordinary devotee of Sri Sai Baba and I have a particularly great liking for Sri Sai Baba's miracles. Originally from Mumbai, I had the divine chance to visit Shirdi more than once. After I relocated to Bangalore in 2003, I had the divine opportunity to visit Puttaparthi and seek Swami's divine presence.
I have an interesting experience to share and it goes this way: Some years ago, I had purchased a 2001 Hyundai Santro car. I was a very novice driver (and still continue to be!). One day, I took my car for spin and though I felt I was a very good driver, in reality I lacked confidence, though I thought nothing untoward would take place.
One day, while driving near my home, I had accident and hit a motorbike. Many people surrounded me and I was scared. In my mind I kept calling Sri Sai Baba for help. I was out of my wits as more people started surrounding me! Later Traffic cops were called to determine who was at fault. My wife and I were so scared that we were almost speechless and anticipated the worst was going to take place.
But to my luck there was an young man in his 20’s who came to our rescue. He informed the people and traffic cops that I was not at fault and the one in the motorbike had taken the wrong lane which resulted in the accident. By then, the people who initially surrounded me starting giving me confidence that I was not at fault and since they were local of this locality, they would ensure my protection.
Suddenly, an old man in his late 70’s approached me and said not to worry, everything would be alright. There were two people on the motorbike, out of which the rider of the bike had minor bruises, nothing serious. He was taken to the hospital for bandaging. I followed him and ensured that he was medicated. I apologized the rider of the bike and he immediately forgave me and said there was nothing to worry about. I shared the same with the pillion on the bike. I was happy that nothing major had happened.
Meanwhile, another driver of an different car kept on accusing me, saying the way I drove the car was wrong. In fact, he asked for money, as his car was dented in the accident. He kept pestering the traffic cop to see his car and wanted to sue me for negligence! Fortunately, the traffic cop did not budge as I was aptly supported by the locals and they ensured that I was not guilty.
With locals and traffic cops and through Grace of Sri Sai Baba, I was not fined and through co-operation of one of the traffic cops, the matter was put to rest. I was happy and took my car back home.
Later, two strange things occurred to me about this incident: first, who was the young man in early 20’s, who introduced me as my cable guy, yet not once had I seen him come to my house? After that incident, too, I never saw him in the vicinity of my home!
Second, who was the old man in his late 70’s who briskly walked up to me and gave me confidence that nothing would happen to me?
After the incident, I could not trace either of them. I finally came to the conclusion that it was none other than our merciful Sai Baba, who had assumed two forms to get me out of the mess.
I am forever indebted to Sri Sai Nath for pulling me out of this situation. Throughout the incident I was tensed, did not know what was going to happen, thereby actually missing out recognizing Sri Sai Baba!
My Koti Koti Pranams (millions of salutations) to Sri Sai Baba for helping me out of this dangerous and precarious situation! I have no words to express my gratitude to Sri Sai Baba who made himself available to me at the time of danger.
My Sai Devotees, know that our Dear Beloved Sri Sai would never leave their devotees in despair. Come what may, He is there to grace his blessings on us. My faith in Sai Baba was further strengthened after this incident.
I hope my dear Sai Devotees feel the same!
From Croatia
December 2014
This Sacred Katha will stay inside of anyone who reads it. It stays with me, providing me with warmth, the vision of Swami, light (optimism) and joy. Whenever I read the Sacred Katha, I feel very lucky for finding our Divine Lord and for being accepted by Him!
From Croatia
December 2014
This Sacred Katha will stay inside of anyone who reads it. It stays with me, providing me with warmth, the vision of Swami, light (optimism) and joy. Whenever I read the Sacred Katha, I feel very lucky for finding our Divine Lord and for being accepted by Him!

Vibhuthi Materialization
October 2014
From Italy
August 2013
A teacher from Italy received the Sacred Katha and felt inspired to read it regularly. She prayed every Thursday with the Katha for over eight months. Then, unexpectedly, she had to undergo emergency surgery because of peritonitis on the brink of septicaemia. She had no symptoms prior to visiting the hospital. Despite a three hour operation, she was calm throughout all of the events and believed that Swami extended her life. She felt Bhagawan had brought her close to the departure gate and then rescued her from the jaws of death. Even today, she knows for a fact that reading the Katha contributed to her overcoming such a terrible experience, and recommends all to read the Sacred Katha for their own benefit and the benefit of the universe.
From Canada
June 2013
A Sai devotee from Canada was having a hard time finding work. She is a single mother with a teenage son and had a lot of expenses, but limited income. A Sai Sister invited her to join her family in reading the Sri Sathya Sai Sathya Narayana Katha. The woman was so happy that she requested the reading be done in her home, to bless her family. A few weeks later, the prayers and reading were held in the woman's home. Within a few days, she started getting call after call requesting her to come and work! All of a sudden, she became so busy that her work schedule was full for the entire year! She offered her grateful homage to Swami for fulfilling her wish.
From UK
July 2010
A British Sai devotee from the UK would read the sacred Katha regularly. She occasionally had guests attending her prayers. Once, a Doctor attended the prayers. He was a very honest man who did not like to join politics or take advantage of his position. However, his colleagues wanted him to join them in some unfair practices, to which he refused. In response, they filed a court case against him. The poor Doctor suffered for three years. After he attended the prayers at the British woman’s home, when he attended the court hearing the next week, he was surprised that the Judge suddenly acquitted him of all charges, and the case was dropped! The Doctor offered his gratitude to Swami for saving his reputation and granting him peace of mind.